6 Ways to Build a Leakage-Free House

Leaking roofs are a problem that often face by everyone during the rainy season, especially since the weather is very difficult to predict. The cause of roof leaks varies. For example, the roof is leaking not only because there are holes. It could also be due to the slope of the roof that is less steep, the installation of tiles that are not good, guttering problems, gaps in the ridge of the roof, or trash on the roof.

Don’t let this problem gives you stress. The solution is to buy a roof at Sydney Roof and Building Supplies, they provide a variety of roofs ranging from Slate, Terracotta, Concrete, up to Metal with good quality.

Here are some ways to make your house leak-free.

Pay attention to the roof slope

The slope of the roof should not be too gentle, the limit is 25 degrees -40 degrees. The appropriate slope of the roof can ward off rainwater blown by strong winds. This then minimizing leaks and seepage walls.

A slope with more than 40 degrees has the potential to make roof tiles fall easily. If the roof design requires steep over 40 degrees, the roof must be nailed, or you can use a type of shingle roof that does not easily fall.

Use Roofing

Use plastic or aluminum foil at the bottom of the roof. This can help water that enters the roof gap to flow towards the gutter. Usually, this is done when the tile is broken.

Routine Check

Make sure the roof truss is in good condition. Perform routine checks on the ceiling. If you found wood that has begun to decay, replace it immediately.

Weathered wood can cause roof tiles to fall and leak. Damage to the roof truss also endangers the safety of homeowners, especially if it is rained continuously.

Pay attention to the roof cover

Do not cover the roof too high because it will be vulnerable to cracking. You should regularly check the roof covering, especially during the rainy season.

Even small cracks such as 1cm can be a source of roof leakage. If there is a crack, immediately repair and patch with a waterproof coating material. The best material is made up of 2 components: acrylic-based and cement-additives-fillers-based. This material is suitable for surfaces that often drown with water. If the crack is big, replace it immediately with a new one.

Roof pipe

Choose the size and shape of the pipe that matches the discharge and amount of water. Minimize the gutters can increase the potential for damage and leakage.

Use the services of experienced plumbers. Clean the roof pipes regularly so that there is no garbage piling up that can obstruct waterways.

Cover the roof divider

Make sure the entire boundary surface is coated with a water block. Pay attention to the degree of slope, make sure the slope leads to the existing gutters.