Achieving Ethical Balance In Business Practice

Workplace Ethics is a subject that we have all heard of. In fact, the subject of Ethics in general is something that most people are familiar with. Negotiations between businesses could be accomplished with more consideration for the other company in mind, which would only help both. For example, I was speaking with an executive who shared with me that in one government organization people submit their time sheets two weeks ahead of actual working the time.

It means adhering to moral principles, being guided by particular values, and behaving in a way people ought to act. The subject of business ethics has been a source of great debate in recent years as the heads of major (and minor) corporations are revealed as less than ethical characters both in the way they do business and in their personal conduct.

For example a Japanese employee believes that it Is unethical on his part to attend an interview with other company when he is still with the current company. However, it may be said that any individual who does not practice business ethics cannot be personally ethical even though the reverse may not also be ethic

3. Engaging in fair trading practices like guaranteeing a safe workplace for your employees, fair pricing for your products, that will at least cover the cost of production and treating you customers well among others will guarantee a high business ethic

Any organization big or small should follow ethical practices as it brings in a sense of social responsibility which eventually provides sustainability to the organization. A destructive result with negative consequence to other or organizations can be brought about through negative and unethical core values in operational ethic