How Green Energy Drives Business Growth

In recent years, there’s been a strong influx of environmental activists and scientists urging government officials to take action against climate change. As we all move towards a more environmentally friendly world, corporations and businesses must now also take responsibility and take action to reduce their carbon footprint. In fact 70{b53d80ac761a16cb691add0b5104784758345acbacc7ac6b5b91ed94a4abf3cf} of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to just 100 companies.

Green energy is the best place to start with when combating global warming and it’s already driving major business growth. Here are some simple ways that green energy drives business growth:

Boosting production

Believe it or not, but solar energy is responsible for a large portion of business growth in the UK and America. Solar panels have been commercially used since the 80s in the UK and America, however production cost was much higher back then. Now, technology has advanced and the production cost for solar energy is much lower and production costs have reduced by 50{b53d80ac761a16cb691add0b5104784758345acbacc7ac6b5b91ed94a4abf3cf}.

China are the first to fully capitalise on this energy source and now produce more than half of the worlds solar energy panels. Since China overtook this production, prices have dramatically decreased by two thirds and production has increased tenfold.

Reducing energy costs

There’s a common misconception that renewable energy is a lot more expensive to produce and also to purchase as a consumer. However, as technology has advanced, production costs have fallen, making this a much more cost effective alternative than renewables.

As a business owner, if you switch energy suppliers and choose a green energy tariff, you could save time and money on your energy. Not only will this save your business money on energy, it will also help to reduce your business’s carbon consumption, which is the leading cause of global warming.

Greater control

When you switch to green energy suppliers, you have a lot more control on where your energy is coming from. Energy is supplied by the grid and although your office may not be powered by renewable energy sources, your energy provider will release the equal amount of energy units onto the grid.

By making large energy savings, money can be invested into growing the business and to making smart investments. Some businesses have gone as far as installing their own solar panels, making them completely self sufficient.