Quick and Easy Fix For Your BUSINESS
Do you want to increase your chances of finding your dream job? Take the time to build a quality, modern and unique curriculum vitae. This is the best way to catch the attention of the recruiter who only spends a few seconds on each CV before proceeding with a screening. By following our advice, you will be able to achieve this goal.
Make an Elegant CV
Logos, pictograms, scales, stars may be pretty but nothing more! Most recruiters do not really pay much attention to those fancy elements. Illustrating your experiences with the logos of the employers you have worked for is redundant, unnecessary and worse, it gives your CV an outdated connotation. Simplicity is your best friend when you create a cv. It is the same with respect to the pictograms, and to the style of the small envelope in front of your email address or your telephone number. Avoid stars and asterisks that you use in order to illustrate your language skills. Do not use more than three colours on your resume. You can even stick to the traditional black and nothing more if you want.
Avoid Frames and Blocks of Text
Nowadays, a CV sent to a mailbox has a good chance of being integrated into a CRM or database including, on the one hand, standard sections: name, first name, phone, email, address, company, position and, on the other hand, a section “Overview of Attachments”. The resume which includes images, columns, text blocks cannot have the key elements included in the CRM and in addition will be very difficult to read, unless you open the attachment which is an optional and time-consuming operation. Also avoid coloured frames as well as dark backgrounds that drain the company’s ink cartridges!
Go Straight to the Point
A CV can be two pages long depending on the length of your career! But the ideal is to make your CV stand in one page if possible. Once again, think about the experience you are going to give to your recruiter. You must make it easier for them by favouring a presentation of your information in the form of a list instead of large paragraphs. A curriculum vitae is not a letter so, literal style is not appropriate. Finally, you must find a wise balance between communicating enough information to enhance your profile and not putting everything on the curriculum vitae in order to keep some information for the job interview.