Real Estate Agent Job Description

Real estate agents liaise between home owners and buyers to conduct the sale, purchase or rent of properties. A broker is licensed to run his own real estate business, while an agent can only work with a broker. In fact, a really good agent can earn more than $100,000 a year. There are specialists called actuaries who evaluate the risk for the insurance company and come up with a premium amount which can effectively cover the needs of a customer and is affordable for the insurance company also.

Many commercial brokers who have established themselves in this business, own their own private firms and brokering business units, but that stage comes only after one has struggled and made big contacts with reputed firms. A slice of the company profit, in terms of some percentage share of the premiums, is offered to the agents.

Just like in other professions, insurance agents can also choose to specialize in a specific field of expertise An agent can choose to specialize in property, casualty, life, health, disability, and long term care insurance policies. Real estate agents earn their money from the commissions coming from the deals their clients make.

Freight broker agents normally transact over the phone or online and they seldom meet with their clients. As such, there are no strict educational qualifications required to become a business broker, however, many firms prefer agents and brokers who have a bachelor’s degree in management, law, or similar fields.

The job of keeping smooth, coherent and up-to-date communication between the buyer and seller is the sole responsibility of the business broker. However, there are people who earn in excess of $80,000 per year in major cities. Jobs in this field are expected to decrease in the future, because of the advent of new software that enable more work to be done in less time.